You searched for: “thesauruses
thesaurus (s); thesauri, thesauruses (pl) (nouns)
1. A book that lists words related to each other in meaning, usually giving synonyms and antonyms.
2. A dictionary of words relating to a particular subject.
3. A place in which valuable things are stored.
4. Etymology: from 1823, "treasury, storehouse"; from Latin thesaurus "treasury, treasure"; from Greek thesauros, "a treasure, treasury, storehouse, chest"; from root of tithenai "to put, to place".

The meaning "encyclopedia filled with information" is from 1840, but it existed earlier as thesaurarie (1592), used as a title by early dictionary compilers. The meaning, "collection of words arranged according to sense" is first attested 1852 in Roget's title. Thesaur is attested in Middle English with the meaning, "treasure" (about 15th century-16th century).

This entry is located in the following units: the-; them-, themat-, thes-, thet- (page 2) thesaur- (page 1)