You searched for: “syzygies
syzygy (s) (noun), syzygies (pl)
1. The conjunction and fusion of organs without loss of identity: Syzygy is the uniting or merging of body parts of an animal.
2. The condition of the moon, sun, and earth appearing in a straight line: When the eclipse took place, Jane saw her first syzygy in the sky for the first time!
syzygy (s) (noun), syzygies (pl)
1. The conjunction and fusion of organs without loss of identity: Syzygy is the uniting or merging of body parts of an animal.
2. The condition of the moon, sun, and earth appearing in a straight line: When the eclipse took place, Jane saw a syzygy in the sky for the first time!
This entry is located in the following unit: zygo-, zyg-, -zygous; zygomatico- + (page 3)