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suffix (s) (noun), suffixes (pl)
1. A letter, or group of letters, added to the end of a word or word part to form another term: Suffixes are clearly expressed with such elements as, -ly in "quickly", -ing in "talking", -ness in "gentleness", -ing in "walking", and -s in "sits".

Suffixes are also defined as groups of letters placed at the end of words to modify their meanings or to change them for different grammatical functions; for example, from adjectives to adverbs, etc.

2. Something added to the end of of something else: The suffix of the evening meal at June's birthday party was the singing of "Happy birthday" by the guests.
suffix (suh FIKS, SUHF iks) (verb), suffixes; suffixed; suffixing
1. To add a letter, or letters, to the end of a word to form a slightly different meaning: Examples of suffixed parts are -s and -ness as shown in "dogs" and "softness".
2. To include or to attach something to the end of another item: After asking his mother if he could go to the movie with his girlfriend, he made sure to suffix his request with, "please".
(Latin: of, relating to, or resembling; compound of the suffixes -ule, "little, small" and -ar, "pertaining to, of the nature of, like"; and so, -ular is a combining form meaning: referring to something "specified": appendicular, molecular, pedicular; as well as, a combining form meaning "resembling" something specified: circular, globular, tubular)
(English-Vocabulary Words from Latin and Greek Units Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes that Every Advanced-English Speaker and Reader Should Know)