You searched for: “suburb
1. A district lying immediately outside a city or town; especially, a smaller residential community.
2. Usually a residential region around a major city; the environs.
This entry is located in the following units: Quotes: Urbanization, Suburbia (page 1) urban- urb-, -urban, -urbia (page 1)
suburb, superb
suburb (SUHB urb") (noun)
1. A small community that is close to a large city and is within commuting distance: "Josephine and her family live in a suburb of the biggest city in the province and there is a great public transportation system so she is able to commute into the city easily."
2. The residential areas typically on the outskirts of a larger city: "The older suburbs typically have gracious lawns and large trees."
superb (soo PURB) (adjective)
 Characterized as splendid, excellent, or outstanding: "The meal that the members of the Sports Club enjoyed at that restaurant was superb and all the members agreed to go again soon."

"Pete's scores in the track and field events were superb and earned him a university scholarship."

Josephine and her family think it is superb that they now live in the new suburb of the city.