You searched for: “spelunker
speluncer, spelunker
1. Someone who makes a hobby of exploring caves, "a caver".
2. Another term for a speleologist.
3. Etymology: "A cave bug; one who explores caves as a hobby", 1942, formed from obsolete spelunk "cave, cavern" (c.1300), from Old French spelunque, from Latin spelunca, "a cave, cavern, grotto", from Greek spelynx (genitive spelyngos). An adjective, speluncar "of a cave" is recorded from 1855.
This entry is located in the following unit: spelunc-, spelunk- (page 1)
Word Entries containing the term: “spelunker
urban spelunker
Also known as urban exploration (urbex or UE), is the examination of the normally unseen or off-limits parts of human civilization.

Urban spelunking is also commonly referred to as "infiltration", although some people consider infiltration to be more closely associated with the exploration of active or inhabited sites.

In the U.S.A., it may also be referred to as "draining" (when exploring drains) "urban exploration", and "urban caving."

This entry is located in the following units: spelunc-, spelunk- (page 1) urban- urb-, -urban, -urbia (page 2)