You searched for: “sink
cinque, sink, sink, sync
cinque (SINGK, SANGK) (noun)
The number five in cards or dice: The roll of the dice resulted in a double cinque.
sink (SINGK) (verb)
1. To descend or to move to the bottom; especially, when it moves slowly or in stages: Horace could see the rock sink down to the bottom of the pool.
2. To become lower in amount, value, etc.; or to decline or to decrease: Just watch, this company's stock will sink after it announces that its profits are less than expected.
3. To do something that is morally wrong: How could Neal sink to cheating like that?
sink (SINGK) (noun)
A basin typically with a built-in drain and water supply used for washing hands, dishes, etc.: Shelly filled the sink with water to wash the breakfast dishes.
sync or synch (SINGK) (noun)
1. A situation in which two or more people or things move or proceed together at the same time and speed: You could see the dancers move in sync across the stage.
2. A condition in which two or more people or things agree with or match one another and work together properly: Since Homer's views are in sync with his colleagues, they can proceed with the project.

An informal abbreviation of "synchronization", "synchronism", or "synchronize", etc.

The two players were in sync during the game; however, I am afraid that their luck will sink because an opponent had a cinque in his hand.

After the game, all the players went to the sink to wash up before going out to dinner together.

sink, sink
sink (SINGK) (verb)
1. To do something that is morally wrong: "How could he sink so low as to cheat on his final exam?"
2. To fall or to drop to a lower level; especially, to go down below the surface of water, mud, etc.: "We could see the car sink into the muddy river after it ran off the highway."

"The water in the lake is expected to sink several feet during the long, dry summer."

sink (SINGK) (noun)
A water basin fixed to a wall or floor and having a drainpipe and generally a piped supply of water with faucets: "We just installed a new sink in our bathroom."

"We had to clean the stopped-up drain in the kitchen sink."

It was sad to hear that he had to sink so low as to hoard so much water during the drought. Apparently he not only filled the sink every day, but also his bath tub and a big-plastic barrel.

Word Entries containing the term: “sink
founder and sink
Founder means to "sink below the surface".
This entry is located in the following unit: Pleonasms or Tautological Redundancies (page 9)
sink down
This entry is located in the following unit: Pleonasms or Tautological Redundancies (page 20)