You searched for: “shine
Units related to: “shine
(Greek > Latin: burn, shine, to kindle; light up; the heavens; the upper air, the sky)
(Latin: light, lights, shine, shines, shining)
(Latin: light, shine; torch, lamp; heavenly body)
(Latin: moon, light, shine)
(Latin: light up, shine)
(Greek: light, light bringer, shine; morning star; a nonmetallic chemical element that ignites when exposed to air)
(Latin: light, shine, spark, sparkle, twinkle)
(Latin: to glow, to glow with heat; to burn; to glitter, to shine; white)
(Anglo-Saxon: gold, Sanskrit juel, to shine; the symbol is from Latin aurum, shining down; metal)
(Latin: to shine, to flash, to glow, to burn; fulmi-, lightning, thunder forth, denounce; related to fulg-)
(Latin: not transparent nor translucent, not clear, unable to shine through; shaded, shady; dark; no luster; not clearly understood or expressed)
(Greek: manifest; show, appear, make appear, make visible, display; visible; to show through, to shine through; illustrious)
(Latin: polire, to polish, to smooth, to shine; to refine)
(Latin: to shine, shining; to gleam, to glisten; illustrious; bright; brilliant, brilliance; magnificent, sumptuous)