You searched for: “shelf
shelf, shelve
shelf (SHELF) (noun)
1. Something which is fastened to a wall for the storage of books or other items: "The handy man will put a shelf in the closet for my shoe boxes."
2. A ledge of rocks usually partially submerged in water: "The waterfowl stood on the shelf in the bay while they were hunting for small fish."
3. A flat area of rock, sand, ground, etc.; especially underwater: "The swimmers had to be careful of the shelf of sand covered rock and shallow water when they were diving off shore."
shelve (SHELV) (verb)
1. To place something on a flat surface structure that is fastened to a wall: "Once the shelf is installed, I will shelve all of my books in alphabetical order."
2. To put aside or to remove from active work or service: "I had to shelve my idea of sailing around the world because I lost my job."

"When she was called to the office, the engineer thought her boss was going to shelve her."

His after school job was to shelve the architect's drawings on the wide shelf that was made especially for the large pieces of paper.

Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “shelf
activated shelf life
The length of time, at a specified temperature, that a charged battery can be stored before its capacity falls to an unusable level.
This entry is located in the following unit: Photovoltaic Conversion Efficiency Terms + (page 1)
continental shelf
The offshore extensions of continents.
This entry is located in the following unit: Geography Terms + (page 4)
shelf life of batteries
The length of time, under specified conditions, that a battery can be stored so that it keeps its guaranteed capacity.
This entry is located in the following unit: Photovoltaic Conversion Efficiency Terms + (page 19)
wet shelf life
The period of time that a charged battery, when filled with electrolyte, can remain unused before dropping below a specified level of performance.
This entry is located in the following unit: Photovoltaic Conversion Efficiency Terms + (page 24)