You searched for: “sacrosanct
sacred, sacrosanct
sacred (SAY krid) (adjective)
1. Regarding something that is considered worthy of veneration; holy: The sacred books were kept in a fireproof box.
2. Concerning something which is important and is exclusive to one undertaking: Melissa believed that it was her sacred duty to care for children who lived in the slums and had no families.
sacrosanct (SAK roh sangkt") (adjective)
Pertaining to something which is considered very religious or too important to be changed, criticized, etc.: The traditions of the ceremonies are considered sacrosanct.

Heather's grandmother believed that the order of the religious ceremonies was sacrosanct.

Terry and Diane were told that the government's most sacrosanct institutions had to be respected.

Anna considers it her sacred obligation to protect children who are vulnerable. It is also a sacrosanct teaching of many religions.

sacrosanct (adjective), more sacrosanct, most sacrosanct
1. Too important and respected to be changed, criticized, or tampered with: The army general's sacrosanct order was not challenged.
2. Consecrated, divine, and being of religious significance: The burial grounds behind the church were considered to be sacrosanct.

The sacrosanct symbol of the Christian cross has existed for centuries.

This entry is located in the following units: sacr-, sacro- (page 4) sanct-, sancti- (page 1)