You searched for: “rhumb
rhumb, rum, rum; rumba, rhumba
rhumb (RUHM, RUHMB) (noun)
Any of the points observed on the compass of a mariner: The captain consulted the rhumb on his compass to navigate the ship through the narrow channel.
rum (RUHM) (noun)
An alcoholic drink made by the fermentation of a cane product; such as, molasses: Rum earned a bad reputation in history books which often described men as raging drunk with rum.
rum (RUHM) (adjective)
Chiefly British, odd or difficult: The editor was a rum character when dealing with new authors.

Why do they persist in being such a rum lot?

rumba, rhumba (RUHM buh, ROOM buh) (noun)
1. A dance of Cuban origin, combining complex footwork with a pronounced movement of the hips: Phil and Polly tried learning the steps of the rumba for most of the night.
2. Music for this kind of Cuban dance or in this style: The band tried playing the rumba for the guests, but they only wanted to listen to waltzes instead.

The cruise ship's officers noticed by the rhumb of the compass that they were near the island where they made rum. The ship stopped and the passengers went ashore and found a restaurant where they had a drink and watched the dancers performing the rumba.

Word Entries containing the term: “rhumb
rhumb line, rhumb lines; loxodrome, loxodromes
1. The path of a nautical vessel or air craft that maintains a constant or fixed compass direction.
2. A line that cuts all meridians (imaginary great circle on the earth's surface, passing through the geographic poles) at the same angle.
3. Etymology: possibly from Spanish or Portuguese rumbo, "course, direction"; ultimately from Latin rhombus, "turn, spin"; which came from Greek rhombos, "spinning top", from rhembesthai, "to spin, to whirl".
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