You searched for: “pyloric
1. Relating to the pylorus or the opening, surrounded by muscular tissue, from the stomach into the duodenum or the first part of the small intestine.
2. A reference to the distal aperture of the stomach or abomasum, opening into the duodenum.

The term pyloric is used to mean the pyloric part of the stomach, and the pyloric antrum, canal, opening, or sphincter.

A ring of muscles, the pyloric sphincter, serves as a "gate", closing the opening from the stomach to the intestine. It opens periodically, in order to allow the contents of the stomach to move into the duodenum or small intestine.

This entry is located in the following unit: pylor-, pyloro-, pylori- + (page 1)
Word Entries containing the term: “pyloric
pyloric achalasia
The failure of a ring of muscle fibers to relax; such as, those in the pylorus, the opening between the stomach and duodenum.
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pyloric antrum, antrum pyloricum
1. The initial portion of the pyloric part of the stomach, which may temporarily become partially or completely shut off from the remainder of the stomach during digestion.
2. The dilated natural cavity or hollow of the pyloric part of the stomach, between the body of the pyloric antrum (antrum pyloricum) stomach and the pyloric canal.
3. The bulging part of the lower end of the stomach between the body of the stomach and the pyloric canal which is near the bottom of the stomach which separates the stomach and the duodenum (small intestine).
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pyloric canal, canalis pyloricus
A short canal or opening between the stomach and the small intestine which is primarily consisting of muscle which can become too narrow, in some circumstances.

When the canal becomes too narrow, food and liquids may not be able to pass and this can result in symptoms easily feeling full, odorous belching, or nausea and vomiting.

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pyloric cap, duodenal cap
The first part of the duodenum, as seen in a roentgenogram (X-ray) or by fluoroscopy.
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pyloric constriction
A prominent fold of mucous membrane at the gastroduodenal junction overlying the pyloric sphincter or the thickening of the circular layer of the gastric musculature (stomach muscle) encircling the gastroduodenal junction (place where the stomach and small intestine meet).
This entry is located in the following unit: pylor-, pyloro-, pylori- + (page 1)
pyloric gland
Any of several coiled, tubular, mucus-secreting glands situated in the mucus membrane near the pyloric end of the stomach.
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pyloric sphincter
The strong band of muscle between the stomach and the small intestine.
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pyloric stenosis
A narrowing of the pylorus, the opening between the stomach and into the small intestine.
This entry is located in the following unit: pylor-, pyloro-, pylori- + (page 2)