You searched for: “preserves
preserve (s) (noun), preserves (pl)
1. A confectionary preparation of fruit products cooked with sugar: There were many jars of preserves in the basement, but mainly more black current jelly than anything else!
2. A reservation, a natural protected area: The Rawsons loved to visit wildlife preserves or sanctuaries on their trips, especially those which protected many animals from hunters.
3. A domaine that is especially set aside for someone: Women have entered the preserve of medicine which was formally dominated by men.
This entry is located in the following units: pre-, prae- (page 16) serv-, -serve (page 3)
preserve (s) (verb), preserves; preserved; preserving
1. To guard or shield from injury or harm: The forests certainly need to be preserved from destruction, like fire.
2. To save from decay or from perishing: The fruit needed to be preserved with sugar to make jam and to be stored in the basement.
3. To make something last; to maintain: The historical monuments in town should always be preserved and cared for for everyone to enjoy in the future.
4. To remain complete or in good condition for a long time: Virginia felt that it was important to preserve her grandfather's diaries because they certainly were one of a kind and very precious.
5. To keep a condition or general state of things safe from change: Peace is something that is so very important and essential to preserve.
This entry is located in the following unit: pre-, prae- (page 16)