You searched for: “pathology
pathology (s) (noun), pathologies (pl)
The study of the nature of diseases with regard to structural and functional changes: Pathology is the branch of medical science that deals with the origin, nature, and course of diseases.

Pathology was originally the study of “suffering”.

(Greek: feeling, sensation, perception; suffering, disease, or disorder; a system of treating diseases)
Word Entries containing the term: “pathology
anatomic pathology (s) (noun), anatomic pathologies (pl)
1. A medical specialty that is concerned with the diagnosis of diseases that are based on the normally visible, microscopic, and molecular examination of organs, tissues, and whole bodies: An anatomic pathology is an autopsy that is done after a person's death.
2. The anatomical investigation of changes in the function, structure, or appearance of organs, or tissues, including postmortem examinations and the study of biopsy specimens: Judy was especially interested in the nature of diseases and their causes, so she decided to specialize in anatomic pathology in medical school.
forensic pathology (s) (noun) (no pl)
A branch of medicine concerned with determining the cause of deaths usually for civil or criminal law cases: Floyd thought that forensic pathology sounded very exciting and decided to specialize in this field of work.

The forensic pathologist performs autopsies to determine the cause of a death, such as examining a bullet wound to the head, exsanguination, strangulation, etc. and the manner of a death (including homicide, accident, natural, or suicide).

Forensic pathologists also work closely with the coroner (England and Wales) or medical examiner (United States). The examination of dead bodies (autopsy or post mortem) is a subset of anatomical pathology.

Forensic pathologists are often also known as forensic medical examiners or police surgeons.

plant pathology (s) (noun), plant pathologies (pl)
A particular area in botanical science that is concerned with the diseases of verdure: Plant pathology involves research about microbes and the environmental factors that can cause diseases in plants, the factors and processes involved in the development of diseases, and the methods of preventing and controlling plant diseases.

"The challenge to plant pathology is just beginning to take on a worldwide significance as the race intensifies to produce more, and more wholesome, food while still safeguarding our environment."

—"Plant Pathology" by George N. Agrios; Professor and Chairman,
Department of Plant Pathology; The University of Florida;
Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology;
Academic Press; San Diego; 1992; page 1665.
This entry is located in the following unit: planta-, plant- (page 1)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “pathology
anatomic pathology (s) (noun), anatomic pathologies (pl)
The study of the effects of disease on the structures of the body: The medical discipline of anatomic pathology is concerned with the identification of a disease based on microscopic, macroscopic, biochemical, immunologic and molecular research and the investigation of organs and tissues.
This entry is located in the following unit: Anatomy and Related Anatomical Terms (page 1)