You searched for: “paronym
1. A word from the same root, and usually a similar pronunciation, as another; such as, "beautiful" and "beauteous".
2. Words which are almost homonyms, but have slight differences in spelling and have different meanings.
3. Having a similar sound, but different orthography and different meaning; said of certain words, as "all" and "awl"; "hair" and "hare".
4. Having the same derivation; said of certain words; such as, "man", "mankind", "manhood", etc.
5. Containing the same root or stem; such as, the words "wise" and "wisdom".

Other examples:

  • "alternately" and "alternatively"
  • "affect" and "effect"
  • "collision" and "collusion"
  • "conjuncture" and "conjecture"
  • "continuous" and "contiguous"
  • "farther" and "further"
  • "farthest" and "furthest"
This entry is located in the following unit: -onym, -onymy, -onymic, -onymically, -onymous, -onymously, -nym (page 9)