You searched for: “palpates
palpate (verb), palpates; palpated; palpating
1. To examine a part of the body by feeling with the hands and fingers; especially, to distinguish between swellings that are solid and those that are filled with fluid: Just as the Latin word means "to touch" or "to feel lightly", that is how a doctor palpates the abdomen.
2. To touch or to feel: The edge of an enlarged liver may be palpated below the rib cage.
3. Etymology: from Latin palpatus, past participle of palpare, "to touch with the palm of the hand, to feel gently".
To examine by touching; as a doctor does.
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This entry is located in the following unit: palp-, palpo-, palpi- (page 1)
Word Entries at Get Words: “palpates
To touch or to feel parts of the body with the hands and fingers; especially, for medical reasons. (1)