You searched for: “opposed
oppose (verb), opposes; opposed; opposing
1. To act against or provide resistance to; to combat: The same two teams had opposed each other in previous playoffs.
2. To stand in the way of; to hinder; to obstruct: The change is opposed by many of the town's business leaders.
3. To set as an obstacle or an adversary: Sharon met the candidate who will be opposing her in the next election.
4. To be hostile or adverse to, as in opinion: Henry strongly opposed the resolution in the proposal to increase local taxes.
5. To determine as an impediment or a hindrance: The group that opposes the mayor is trying to find a candidate who might be able to successfully oppose her in the upcoming election.
(Greek: against, opposed to, preventive; used as a prefix)
(Greek: chemical element; antimonos, opposed to solitude; symbol Sb is from Latin stibium [powdered antimony]; some say antimony means, “a metal seldom found alone”; metal)
(Latin: against, opposed to, opposite, conflicting, different, clashing, unaccommodating)
(Greek > Latin: "the great river encompassing the whole earth"; hence, the "great Outward Sea" [as opposed to the "Inward" or Mediterranean]; the ocean)
(Latin: common people, common multitude; as opposed to the patricians [upper-class citizens] of Roman times)
Word Entries containing the term: “opposed
diametrically opposed
This entry is located in the following unit: Pleonasms or Tautological Redundancies (page 6)