You searched for: “myopia
myopia (s) (noun), myopias (pl)
1. A nearsightedness or the ability to see close objects more clearly than distant objects: Myopia can be caused by a longer-than-normal eyeball or by any condition that prevents light rays from focusing on the retina.
2. A lack of imagination, discernment, or long-range perspectives when thinking about or planning something: Due to a condition of myopia, Ricky had real problems with making future arrangements by not being able to envision what to do the following year.
Impaired vision or deficiency of foresight.
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Word Entries containing the term: “myopia
senile lenticular myopia, second sight
1. Improved near vision in the aged as a result of increased refractivity of the nucleus of the lens causing myopia.
2. The power of discerning what is not visible to the physical eye, or of foreseeing future events; such as are of a disastrous kind, the capacity of a seer or prophetic vision.