You searched for: “mute
moot, mute, mute, mute
moot (MYOOT) (adjective)
1. Concerning something which is argued about but not possible for anyone to prove: Bernhardt said that they should have foreseen the accident, but that point was moot now.
2. Regarding something not worth talking about; no longer important or worth discussing: Francine said that that argument was a moot point and not relevant to the topic they were trying to resolve.
mute (MYOOT) (noun)
1. An individual who is unable or unwilling to speak: The mute, who worked with the police investigator, could read lips and knew what people were saying.

2. A device attached to a musical instrument to soften or to muffle the sound: Sallie used the mute on the strings of her violin to create a new and interesting sound.
mute (MYOOT) (adjective)
1. Descriptive of something felt or expressed without the use of words: They hugged each other in mute sympathy over the death of their father
2. Relating to something which does not contribute anything to the overall sound or pronunciation of a word: The e at the end of the word mute is silent.
mute (MYOOT) (verb)
To make a sound softer, quieter, or less harsh: Bronson covered his ears to mute the sound of the guns being fired at the military funeral.

Abigail was asked to use the remote control to mute the excessive loudness of the TV.

Although Marla's uncle was a mute, he could play the trumpet, including using a mute to muffle the sound. In the family, it became a moot point to argue whether her uncle could communicate because he was able to do it to some degree through his music.

mute (verb), mutes; muted; muting
1. To soften or muffle the sound of.
2. To reduce the tone, color, shade, or intensity of something.
This entry is located in the following unit: mut- (page 1)
mute (adjective), more mute, most mute
1. A reference to not producing speech or vocal sounds: A mute clip pad, or other device is used to soften, to deaden, or to muffle the sound of a musical instrument.
2. Pertaining to being unable to speak or to vocalize, as certain animals.
3. In linguistics, relating to that which is not pronounced; silent: An example of mute is the "e" in the word "house".
4. Descriptive of someone who is incapable of speech; not making any sounds; silent: A person may be mute because of deafness, loss of or damage to the tongue, etc.
This entry is located in the following unit: mut- (page 1)
Word Entries at Get Words: “mute
1. To run mute, to be silent on the trail.
2. To trail without baying or barking.
This entry is located in the following unit: Dog or Canine Terms + (page 7)