You searched for: “motif
motif, motive
motif (moh TEEF) (noun)
A recurring detail or idea in a work of art: The flower motif in the panel over the fireplace was beautifully painted.
motive (MOH tiv) (noun)
1. An idea or feeling which inspires an individual to act or to take action: The police were trying to figure out what the motive was for the break-in at the bank because nothing was missing.
2. A reason for doing something: The motive for the kids in running away was to avoid being punished for breaking the window with the football.

The posted reward was a strong motive that inspired Emily to design the signature motif for the entrance to the new library.

Word Entries at Get Words: “motif
motif (noun), motifs (pl)
1. A recurring or dominant element; a theme: Jack asked, "Tom, did you see how the artist repeats the motif throughout his work?"
2. In music, a short melodic passage that is repeated in several parts of a composition: The simple motif, or sequence of notes, in the beginning of the sonate is heard many times throughout the piece.
3. A decorative figure that is repeated in a design or pattern: Little Lynn liked the cat motif on her new wallpaper in her bedroom very much.
4. When making dresses, a decorative appliqué design or figure, as of lace or velvet, used in trimming: When Susan was sewing her new blouse, she wanted to have a motif of tatting along the collar and cuffs of the sleeves.
5. Etymology: from French motif, "main idea or theme".
A dominant feature of design.
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