You searched for: “mosquitos
mosquitoes, mosquitos (muh SKEE tohz)
Any of the gnatlike insects of the family Culicidae; many are bloodsucking and are vectors of human and animal diseases; others are venomous.

The word vector is a reference to a carrier, usually an insect or other arthropod, that transmits the causative organisms of disease from infected to noninfected individuals; especially, one in which the organism goes through one or more stages in its life cycle.

Mosquito populations can increase rapidly, and, depending on flooding and general weather conditions, mosquito control agencies cannot always keep up with mosquito problems in all areas. Very often, residents can help significantly by controlling mosquitoes around their homes and properties.

If people don't take on the responsibility of decreasing the mosquito population in their personal areas, the results can be very irritating (at a minimum) to deadly (the ultimate).

This entry is located in the following unit: mosquito, mosquitoes (page 1)