You searched for: “misconduct
misconduct (s) (noun) (usually used in the singular)
1. Bad or dishonest management by people who are supposed to act on another's behalf.
2. An activity that transgresses moral or civil law; wrongdoing, wrongful conduct.
misconduct (verb), misconducts; misconducted; misconducting
1. To behave badly, misbehave: "The children misconducted all morning".
2. To manage badly or incompetently: "The officials were miconducting the funds resulting in a decline in the company's profits."
This entry is located in the following unit: mis- (page 1)
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A unit related to: “misconduct
(Greek: something that is wrong; sin, evil behavior; wickedness in living; misconduct; that part of theology that deals with sin or immoral deeds)
Word Entries containing the term: “misconduct
scientific misconduct (s) (noun), scientific misconducts (pl)
A behavior on the part of a scientist who willfully damages the integrity of scientific research; such as, plagiarism or falsification or fabrication of data.