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A unit related to: “machine
(Greek makhana, machana > Latin machina: machine, device, tool; an apparatus for applying mechanical power to do work; mekhanikos > machynen, decide a course of action, contrive, plot contrivance; a machine or the workings of machines)
Word Entries containing the term: “machine
ATM machine
Automated Teller Machine machine.
This entry is located in the following unit: Pleonasms or Tautological Redundancies (page 3)
electronic calculating-punch machine (s) (noun), electronic calculating-punch machines (pl)
A card-handling device that reads a hole in a card: An electronic calculating-punch machine performs a number of sequential operations, as well as indicating the results on the card.
electronic data-processing machine, EDPM
A machine or its mechanism and attachments which are used primarily in or with an electronic data-processing system.
This entry is located in the following unit: electro-, electr-, electri- (page 61)
electrostatic accelerator, electrostatic generator, static machine
1. An instrument which uses an electrostatic field in a vacuum to greatly increase the velocity of charged particles.
2. An electrical device that uses an electrostatic field to accelerate charged particles to high velocities in a vacuum.
3. Any machine that produces electric charges by friction or, more commonly, electrostatic induction.
4. A high-voltage generator in which electric charges are generated by friction or induction, then transferred mechanically to an insulated electrode to build up a voltage which may be as high as nine mega volts.
5. An apparatus for producing up to several million volts of electrostatic energy by successive accumulation of small static charges on an insulated high-voltage metal collector.
This entry is located in the following unit: electro-, electr-, electri- (page 81)
Influence Machine
A device developed by English physicist Francis Hauksbee (1706) which is considered to be the first static electric or frictional electric machine.

It was a mercury-filled glass globe mounted on an axle; and when it was spun around, it would create a mysterious "luminosity" that crackled like lightning when it was touched and attracted metal particles.

This entry is located in the following unit: fluct-, flucti-, -flux, flu-, flum-, -fluent, -fluence (page 6)
lithotripter machine, lithotripter tool (s) (noun); lithotripter machines, lithotripter tools (pl)
A device that pulverizes kidney stones and gallstones by passing shock waves through a water-filled tub in which the patient sits: The lithotripter machine, or the lithotripter tool, breaks up any kidney stones by using ultrasound shock waves.
Word Entries at Get Words: “machine
1. In science, any device that transmits or modifies power, forces, or motion to do work can be classified as a machine.

A wrench, a jack, and a crowbar, used for changing tires are all "simple machines".

2. Any device that transmits, modifies, or magnifies forces for a specific purpose.

Machines typically either alter the amount of force applied, or the direction along which it is applied. A simple machine is a machine with only one or two parts.

machine (muh SHEEN) (s) (noun), machines (pl)
1. A device which uses a source of power in order to perform the task for which it was designed: Mary was told that her washing machine needs to be repaired.
2. An organization of individuals dedicated to or committed to working together to achieve a desired end, often with political overtones: The mayor has a political machine working for his reelection.
3. Etymology: such words as, machine, machinery, and machination come from Greek mechane, "device, instrument, means". The same Greek element is the source of mechanical and mechanics.
This entry is located in the following unit: English Words in Action, Group M (page 1)
machine (s) (noun), machines (pl)
Devices which help to perform work: "Most machines either overcome forces or change the direction of the applied forces."
This entry is located in the following unit: Technical Science and Engineering (page 2)
machine (verb), machines; machined; machining
To shape something by using a specifically designed tool: The parts of this engine have been precisely machined to function with other elements of the motor.
This entry is located in the following unit: English Words in Action, Group M (page 1)