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invocation (s) (noun), invocations (pl)
1. A calling upon a greater power; such as, God or a Holy Spirit for help: In church, during the invocation, the pastor prayed to the Holy Father for His aid and protection of the people in Africa.
2. A form of prayer pleading for God's presence; especially, one said at the beginning of a religious service or public ceremony: When the church service started, the invocation included an earnest plea for the the Holy Spirit to bring them His guidance and help during these troublesome times.
3. The act of calling upon or quoting something; such as, a law as a reason or justification for doing something: As an invocation to support her wish, Sally repeated what her mother had said for moral support, and which she stated to her father: "But Mom said I could stay out with my friends until ten o'clock."
4. A casting of a spell in an attempt to make an evil spirit appear: In a fairy tale that Jimmy was reading, a witch used invocations and recited magical words to summon supernatural powers to put the princess to sleep for 100 years.
invocation, benediction
invocation (in" vuh KAY shuhn) (noun)
1. A formula or recitation for conjuring or creating something: The children pretended to be wizards and repeated an invocation, hoping to turn their milk into ice cream.
2. A process for asking for support, help, or intercession: The priest started the church service with an invocation.
benediction (ben" i DIK shuhn) (noun)
An utterance of good wishes, often at the end of a religious service: The minister gave his benediction to the congregation at the end of the service.

Generally, an invocation comes at the beginning and a benediction comes at the end of a ceremony or religious service, etc.

The word invocation has Latin ancestors in invocare, meaning "to invoke"; for example, to call on (a higher power) for assistance, support, or inspiration".

A benediction expresses "good wishes" or "a blessing". It has ancestors in the Latin phrase bene dicere, meaning "to speak well" or "to praise".

In order to appease the many relatives, one uncle was asked to speak an invocation at the beginning of the ceremony and the other uncle was invited to give the benediction at the close of the ceremony.