You searched for: “institutes
institute (s) (noun), institutes (pl)
1. An association or corporation organized to do a certain kind of work, particularly teaching or research: Sam was interested in politics and wanted to do a course of study to prepare himself for applying for a job at one of the political research institutes in Washington D.C.
2. A building occupied by an organization: Jane found the institute she was looking for on the map she had of Toronto.
institute (verb), institutes; instituted; instituting
1. To start or advance a course of action, a policy, a program, a rule: The school decided to institute new regulations for safety on the playground.
2. To assign a person to a position: Mrs. Gibson instituted her lawyer, Mrs. Timmons, to be her executrix and to take care of her will.
3. To begin judicial procedures in court: Because the tenant hadn't been paying rent for many months, the owner of the apartment instituted an eviction process in law court.