You searched for: “imply
infer, imply, insinuate
infer (in FUR) (verb)
To come to a conclusion based on facts or observations; to conclude from certain evidence (literally, "to bring in", "to deduce"): Trudy and James could infer that there was a forest fire when they saw so much smoke on the horizon.
imply (im PLIGH) (verb)
To suggest a consequence rather than to make a clear statement: As chairman, Douglas seemed to imply that the meeting was over without actually saying it.
insinuate (in SIN yoo ayt") (verb)
1. To insert something into a context with an indirect suggestion: Gerald appeared to insinuate that the man was dishonest by questioning his integrity.
2. To gradually make oneself a part of a group, a person's life, etc.; often by behaving in a dishonest way: Shirley stood next to the speaker hoping to insinuate herself into the conversation.

Roger has managed to insinuate himself into the city's highest social circles.

Speakers and writers imply; listeners and readers infer from what the speaker has implied.

Careful speakers and writers distinguish between these two words, using imply to mean, "to indicate without saying outright"; and infer to mean, "to draw a conclusion by reasoning".

Sam's warm smile implied that he was pleased to see us.

We inferred from Sam's warm smile that he was pleased to see us.

Imply, Infer

What I imply, I hint. What you infer
Is what you think I hinted. Better, madam/sir,
To say "hello" in error for "good-bye"
Than to say infer in error for imply.

—Willard R. Espy in his book
Say It My Way; Doubleday & Company, Inc.;
Garden City, New York; 1980, page 152.