You searched for: “illiterate
illiterate (s) (noun), illiterates (pl)
1. Someone who is unable to read or write: Susan was an illiterate who did not know the alphabet, let alone competent enough to peruse the contents of a text.
2. Anyone who has or demonstrates having very little or no education: In some parts of the world there are many illiterates who have had little or no formal or proper schooling.
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illiterate (adjective), more illiterate, most illiterate
1. Conveying a lack of culture; especially, in language and literature.
4. Displaying an inadequate amount of knowledge in some particular field or area.
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Quotes: Illiteracy, Illiterate, Uneducated
Is there such a thing as "functional illiteracy"?: illiteracy quotes.
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(just because we were born that way is no justification for staying in such a condition)
Word Entries containing the term: “illiterate
functional illiterate (s) (noun), functional illiterates (pl)
Someone whose reading and writing abilities are inadequately developed to meet everyday needs: A functional illiterate does not have the skill to manage daily living and employment tasks which require reading skills beyond the basic level.

A functional illiterate can also be a foreigner who is not able to read or write in the native language where he or she lives.

This entry is located in the following units: funct-, fungi- (page 2) liter- (page 1)