You searched for: “fall
A unit related to: “fall
(Greek: fall, a falling down of an organ; drooping, sagging; corpse)
(Latin: to fall, befall)
(Modern Latin: chemical element; Gallia, the Latin name for the area that became France after the fall of the Roman Empire; metal)
(Latin: to agree, to come together, to correspond with; "suitable, proper," from Latin congruentem, congruens, "agreeing, fit, suitable" from congruere, literally, "to come together, to agree, to meet", from com-, "with, together" + gruere, ruere, "to fall, to rush")
(Latin: deception, untrue, incorrect; deceiving; contrary to truth and fact; lie)
(Greek: rain, rain fall; heavy shower)
(Latin: to slip, to fall; to glide)
(Latin: to wear out, to grow old; to fall into disuse; to grow out of use; elderly, older)
(Latin: rain, raining, rain water, rainy; rain fall; heavy showers)
Word Entries containing the term: “fall
fall down
This entry is located in the following unit: Pleonasms or Tautological Redundancies (page 8)
fall phonometer, fallphonometer
An instrument used in experimental psychology designed to furnish sounds whose intensities are in known ratios by permitting balls to drop from different heights upon plates of metal or slate.
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “fall
Fall by the wayside (Matthew 13:4)
This entry is located in the following unit: Bible Quotations used in modern English (page 2)
Fall from grace (Galatians 5:4)
This entry is located in the following unit: Bible Quotations used in modern English (page 2)
fals-, fall-
Latin: deception, untrue, incorrect; deceiving; contrary to truth and fact; in this unit.
Pride goes before a fall (Proverbs 16:18)
This entry is located in the following unit: Bible Quotations used in modern English (page 4)