You searched for: “dread
A unit related to: “dread
(Greek: fear, extreme fear of; morbid, excessive, irrational fear, or terror of something or someone; however, sometimes this Greek element also means a strong dislike, dread, or hatred for something or someone)
(Latin: formido, "terror"; causing fear, terrible; to dread, to fear)
(Latin: stand in awe of, to be awed at; wonder or admiration of; dread mixed with veneration or great respect)
Word Entries at Get Words: “dread
dread (s) (noun), dreads (pl)
Extreme fear, anxiety, or terror: Rodney's dread of traveling alone made him extremely tense and nervous.
This entry is located in the following unit: English Words in Action, Group D (page 4)
dread (DRED) (verb), dreads; dreaded; dreading
To be severely fearful, frightened, to cringe at: Christa dreads having to go home so late at night.

Latonya dreaded the thought of having to leave her friends when she gets the new job in another city.

This entry is located in the following unit: English Words in Action, Group D (page 4)