You searched for: “diaphragm
diagram, diaphragm
diagram (DIGH uh gram") (noun)
A drawing that illustrates, explains, or shows the parts of something: The diagram showed Fred how the clock operated.
diagram (DIGH uh gram") (verb)
To show or to explain something: The coach will diagram the new play on the blackboard for the football team.
diaphragm (DIGH uh fram") (noun)
The muscular partition between the chest and the abdomen in mammals; a thin membrane or partition: The football player complained that his diaphragm hurt after the hard tackle during the game.

The doctor drew a diagram to illustrate the location and functions of the body's diaphragm.

1. The thin muscle below the lungs and heart that separates the chest from the abdomen.
2. A muscular membranous partition separating the abdominal and thoracic cavities and functioning in respiration; midriff.

The diaphragm is the main muscle of respiration. Contraction of the diaphragm muscle expands the lungs during inspiration when one is breathing air in.

We rely heavily on the diaphragm for our respiratory function so that when the it is impaired, it can compromise our breathing.

3. A membranous part that divides or separates.
4. A thin disk, especially in a microphone or telephone receiver, which vibrates in response to sound waves to produce electric signals, or that vibrates in response to electric signals to produce sound waves.
5. A contraceptive device consisting of a thin flexible disk, usually made of rubber, that is designed to cover the uterine cervix to prevent the entry of sperm during sexual intercourse.
6. A disk having a fixed or variable opening used to restrict the amount of light traversing a lens or optical system.
This entry is located in the following unit: phrag-, phragm-, phragmo-, phrax-, -phraxis + (page 1)
(Greek: mind, brain; the midriff or the diaphragm; mental disorder)