You searched for: “desirous
desirable, desirable, desirous
desirable (di ZIGHR uh b'l) (noun)
Something or someone that draws favourable attention: The desirable that Irving admired on the table was the tasty dish of food.
desirable (di ZIGHR uh b'l) (adjective)
Referring to something which is pleasing or valuable: Diamonds are considered a desirable investment.
desirous (di ZIGHR uhs) (adjective)
Characterized by a wish to have something: Jana was desirous of making a good impression during the job interview.

Wendy is desirous of acquiring that desirable piece of property down by the river.

Seeking or wishing for something very much: "Both parents were desirous of finding a quick solution to the problem of financing their son's college education."
This entry is located in the following units: -ous, -ious, -eous (page 7) sidero-, sider- (star) (page 1)
A unit related to: “desirous
(Latin: desirous, desiring, to desire, desired)