You searched for: “decadence
decadence (s) (noun), decadences (pl)
Any behavior which demonstrates low morals and a fondness for physical pleasure, money, fame, etc.: In his sermon, the minister condemned the decadence of the past and of these modern times.
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decadence, decadents
decadence (DEK uh duhns, di KAYD ns) (noun)
1. Behavior that shows low morals and an excessive love of worldly pleasure, money, fame, etc.: The book that Karen had condemns the decadence of modern society, which puts more emphasis on how to acquire money without working for it.
2. The characteristic of being artificial or lacking in quality: The court dandy demonstrated decadence in his dress and manner.
decadents (DEK uh duhns, di KAYD ns) (adjective)
To describe those who exhibit low morals and who are only interested in physical or worldly pleasures: The publication condemns some of society's wealthiest members as decadent fools.

In the latest movie about the Revolution, the decadence of the aristocratic decadents was portrayed realistically.

Word Entries at Get Words: “decadence
A falling or decline in morals or culture.

"During its decline, the Roman Empire was noted for its decadence."