You searched for: “compressions
compression (kuhm PRESH uhn) (s) (noun), compressions (pl)
The act or process of applying pressure to make something smaller or to increase its density: When she packed her suitcase, Lucy applied compression to the plastic bags in which she had packed her clothing, squeezing out the air in them and making the pile of clothing in her luggage smaller so it would take up less space.
This entry is located in the following units: press-, presso-, pressi-, -prim-, -prin- (page 1) -sion, -sions (page 2)
Word Entries containing the term: “compressions
thermal vapor compression (TVC) (s) (noun), thermal vapor compressions (pl)
A process used to remove salt from seawater, by evaporating it through a fine mesh filter that traps the brine particles so that the fluid can then be condensed into a relatively salt-free solution.