You searched for: “circumscribed
circumscribe (verb), circumscribes; circumscribed; circumscribing
1. To draw a line around; to encompass with (or as with) a bounding line, to form the boundary of, to bound.
2. To mark out or lay down the limits of; to enclose within limits, limit, bound, confine (usually figuratively); especially, to confine within narrow limits, to restrict the free or extended action of, to hem in, to restrain, to abridge.
This entry is located in the following units: circum- (page 5) scrib-, script-, -scribe, -scription, -scriptive (page 1)
circumscribed (adjective), more circumscribed, most circumscribed
Pertaining to being confined within bounds or restricted to a confined space, as an anatomic part.
This entry is located in the following units: circum- (page 5) scrib-, script-, -scribe, -scription, -scriptive (page 1)
circumscribed, circumspect
circumscribed (SUR kuhm skrighb'd") (verb)
Having defined a space carefully by drawing a line (literal or figurative) around an area: The surveyor circumscribed the building lot before the purchase was finalized.
circumscribed (SUR kuhm skrighb'd") (adjective)
A limited size or amount of something: The circumscribed number of officers on the Board was established by the committee.
circumspect (SUR kuhm spekt") (adjective)
Referring to thinking carefully about possible risks before doing or saying something: These people are circumspect in all their business dealings.

As an architect you will need to be very circumspect in your dealings with the city board whose number is circumscribed by the city council.

Word Entries containing the term: “circumscribed
craniotabes, circumscribed craniomalacia
A disease marked by the presence of areas of thinning and softening in the bones of the skull and widening of the sutures and fontanelles (soft membranous gaps between the incompletely formed cranial bones of a fetus or an infant). Usually of syphilitic (syphilis) or rachitic (rickets or bending of the bones) origin.
This entry is located in the following units: circum- (page 7) cranio-, crani-, cran- + (page 4) tabe-, tab-, tabes + (page 1)