You searched for: “circular
1. Relating to a circle.
2. Shaped like or nearly like a circle; round.
3. Moving in or forming a circle.
4. Circuitous; roundabout: "We took a circular route to work."
5. Using a premise to prove a conclusion that in turn is used to prove the premise: "He was making a circular argument."
6. Defining one word in terms of another that is itself defined in terms of the first word.
7. Addressed or distributed to a large number of people.
This entry is located in the following units: circ- + (page 1) -ular (page 3)
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Units related to: “circular
(Greek: around, round, circle, circular)
(Latin: of, relating to, or resembling; compound of the suffixes -ule, "little, small" and -ar, "pertaining to, of the nature of, like"; and so, -ular is a combining form meaning: referring to something "specified": appendicular, molecular, pedicular; as well as, a combining form meaning "resembling" something specified: circular, globular, tubular)
(Latin: around, about, surrounding, closed curve, circling, circular on all sides; literally, "in a circle")
(Greek: turning, spinning, whirling, bend, circular motion; originally, "circle, curved, ring")
(Greek: ball, round, around; globe, global; body of globular form; by extension, circular zone, circular area)
Word Entries containing the term: “circular
circular-polarized antenna
A UHF reader that emits radio waves in a circular pattern.

These antennas are used in situations where the orientation of the tag to the reader cannot be controlled.

Since the waves are moving in a circular pattern, they have a better chance of hitting the antenna, but circular-polarized antennas have a shorter "read range" than linear-polarized antennas.

This entry is located in the following unit: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID): Definitions (page 2)
spherical sailing, circular sailing
1. Any of the sailing computation methods which are used to solve the problems of course, distance, difference of latitude, difference of longitude, and departure which take into account the spherical or spheroidal shape of the earth.
2. A method of navigation in which the curvature of the earth is taken into consideration.
This entry is located in the following unit: sphero-, spher-, -sphere- (page 13)