You searched for: “chronology
chronology (s) (noun), chronologies (pl)
1. The science of computing and adjusting time or periods of time (no pl): A chronology involves the recording and the arrangement of events in the order of time, the computation of time, and the assignation of events to their correct dates.
2. A chronological table, list, or treatise: In the library Tom finally found the historical chronologies of the German castles he was going to visit in the summer.
3. A series of past events in the sequence of when they occurred: Jack gave his friend Grace a report of the chronology of his visit to the mayor of the city.
This entry is located in the following units: chrono-, chron- (page 4) -ology, -logy, -ologist, -logist (page 15)
(events that have affected England and, sometimes, the English language through the centuries)
Word Entries containing the term: “chronology
archaeological chronology, archeological chronology (s) (noun); archaeological chronologies; archeological chronologies (pl)
An archaeological timeline or timescale: An archaeological chronology is an establishment of the temporal sequences of human cultures by the application of a variety of dating methods of cultural remains.
English Chronology
English Events through the centuries.
geological chronology, geologic chronology (s) (noun); geological chronologies; geologic chronologies (pl)
Specifically, the dating of archaeological data in association with a geological deposit or formation: An example of geological chronology is the dating of Pleistocene human remains in the context of glacial advances and retreats.
This entry is located in the following units: chrono-, chron- (page 7) geo-, ge- + (page 12)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “chronology
Asimov's Chronology of science and Discovery
Isaac Asimov; Harper & Row, Publishers; New York; 1989.
This entry is located in the following unit: Sources of Information; Science and Technology (page 1)