You searched for: “chased
chase (verb), chases; chased; chasing
This entry is located in the following unit: cap-, cip-, capt-, cept-, ceive, -ceipt, -ceit, -cipient (page 4)
chased, chaste
chased (CHAYST) (verb)
1. To have run after or pursued someone in order to catch that person, an animal, or something: Marjory chased after her child, Jimmy, before he could run out into the street.
2. Having caused someone or something to go away: Mildred chased the cats out of her garden so they wouldn't catch the birds.
chaste (CHAYST) (adjective)
Not indulging in unlawful sexual activity, being decent and moral: She remained chaste throughout her engagement and married as a chaste bride.

A chaste woman is seldom chased.

—Evan Esar

My neighbor, Mildred, was chaste and upstanding. It always broke her heart if someone chased a stray animal into her yard.