You searched for: “bloc
bloc, block, block
bloc (BLAHK) (noun)
A group, as of politicians, nations, etc., combined to foster special interests: The coastal nations formed a bloc to advocate for fishing rights.
block (BLAHK) (noun)
A solid piece of wood, metal, etc.; usually with one or more flat sides: The mechanic from the auto repair shop used a block to raise the car so he could change the flat tire.
block (BLAHK) (verb)
1. To obstruct or to prevent passage: That fallen tree will block the road for several hours.
2. To get in the way or to interfere with an activity, e.g. sports: The football player tried to block the player of the other team who was running for a touchdown.

The bloc in Parliament attempted to block the new legislation which was intended to block the importing of a new sports team to the city. In Parliament, the members banged their shoes on the block of wood in front of their desks.