You searched for: “biennial
biannual, biennial, perennial
biannual (bigh AN yoo uhl) (adjective)
Occurring twice a year; semiannual: The family got together on a biannual basis to celebrate birthdays.
biennial (bigh EN ee uhl) (adjective)
Occurring every two years: Electing senators occurs on a biennial basis.
perennial (puh REN ee uhl) (adjective)
Persistent over a period of several years; continuing without interruption: The flowers in the border around the garden were of a perennial nature, ensuring bright colors year after year.

Edna's country cousins come to visit on a biannual basis; however, her cousins who live across the ocean come here on biennial trips. It is always great fun to garden together; Jane and Carmen like to plant perennial flowers which will be in bloom whenever their cousins come to visit them.

1. Happening every two years.
2. Used to describe a plant that lives for two years and produces flowers and fruit in the second year.

Note: biannual means "twice a year"; which is, within the same year.

This entry is located in the following units: -al; -ial, -eal (page 10) bi-, bin-, bino-, bis- (page 2) -enni-, -ennial, -ennium (page 1)