You searched for: “asymptomatic
asymptomatic (adjective) (not comparable)
Pertaining to a medical exam that shows no evidence of any disease: "Roy's doctor told him that his blood test had asymptomatic results which means that he was in good health."
This entry is located in the following units: -ic (page 28) ptomato-, ptomat-, pto-, -ptosia, -ptosis, -ptoma, -ptot- (page 1)
asymptomatic (adjective), more asymptomatic, most asymptomatic
Without any sensations or having no changes in bodily functions that are experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular disease: After several physical examinations, the doctor determined that Mildred had no asymptomatic indications of any ailments.
This entry is located in the following units: a-, an- (page 19) -ic (page 28) syn-, sy-, sym-, syl-, sys- (page 1)