You searched for: “assurance
assurance (s) (noun), assurances (pl)
This entry is located in the following units: -ance, -ancy (page 2) cura-, cur- (page 1)
assurance, insurance
assurance (uh SHOOR uhns) (noun)
The state of being sure or certain about something; a strong feeling of confidence: Stacy spoke with quiet assurance about his future plans.
insurance (in SHOOR uhns) (noun)
An agreement in which a person makes regular payments to a company and the company promises to pay money if the person is injured or dies; or to pay money equal to the value of something; such as, a house or a car, if it is damaged, lost, or stolen: After the fire destroyed their home, Rocky and Jasmine used the money from the insurance to buy a new house.

The insurance broker wanted assurance that Kari would pay the insurance premiums on time each month.

Word Entries containing the term: “assurance
geological assurance, geologic assurance (s) (noun) (no pl)
The relative degree of certainty with which the existence, abundance, and quantity of a given resource can be determined: Many people think that coal or oil have the potential of geological assurance if used wisely and frugally, but sun, as a resource, can be used for electricity, for example, and will never run out!
This entry is located in the following unit: geo-, ge- + (page 12)