You searched for: “analgesia
analgesia (s) (noun), analgesias (pl)
A state in which painful stimuli are so moderated that, though still perceived, they are no longer painful; and so there is no feeling of pain: Rosemarie was grateful for the medication which induced a state of analgesia because now she was not aware of any significant pain.
analgesia (s) (noun), analgesias (pl)
The absence of, or the inability to feel pain while still remaining conscious: Since Roy had an injection that resulted in analgesia, he was aware of what the doctors were doing during his operation, but he didn't feel any pain.
Word Entries containing the term: “analgesia
acupuncture analgesia (s) (noun), acupuncture analgesias (pl)
The lack of feeling pain or very little pain which is produced by the insertion of needles at certain points on the body: The acupuncture analgesia is used to activate small myelinated nerve fibers in the muscles which transmit impulses to the spinal cord and then activate three centers including the spinal cord, the midbrain, and the pituitary or hypothalamus in order to prevent experiencing any discomfort or suffering.

continuous caudal analgesia (s) (noun), continuous caudal analgesias (pl)
Continuous injection of an anesthetic solution into the sacral (triangular bone in lower back) and lumbar plexuses (network of nerves) within the epidural space (in the spine): A continuous caudal analgesia is used to relieve the pain of parturition (act of giving birth).

Continuous caudal analgesia is also used in general surgery to block the pain pathways caudal (back o thef body) to the umbilicus (navel or hollow on surface of stomach).

para-analgesia, paranalgesia (s) (noun) (no pl)
Analgesia (absence of pain) of the lower part of the body: Following the operation, Dr. Smart examined his patient and determined a condition of para-analgesia in which Jim, the patient, could not feel anything, especially no pain in his legs when stimulated.

Paranalgesia is a condition where there is an insensitivity to pain, usually following an interruption of the nerve supply or under the influence of a drug that blocks the pain sensation while the individual is fully conscious.

surface analgesia (s) (noun), surface analgesias (pl)
Local analgesia (no pain) produced by an anesthetic applied to the surface of mucous membranes: Some examples of surface analgesia are those of the eyes, nose, throat, and urethra.
Word Entries at Get Words: “analgesia
A chemical that offers pain relief.