You searched for: “alcoholic
alcoholic (adjective)
Relating to, containing, or produced by alcohol.

O God! That men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains.

—Cassio, in Othello by William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
This entry is located in the following units: alcoholo-, alcohol-, alcoho- (page 1) -ic (page 9)
alcoholic (s) (noun), alcoholics (pl)
1. People who suffer from a medical condition in which they frequently drink too much alcohol and become unable to live a normal and healthy life."
2. Anyone who abuses or is dependent upon alcohol.
This entry is located in the following unit: alcoholo-, alcohol-, alcoho- (page 2)
Word Entries containing the term: “alcoholic
alcoholic cirrhosis (s) (noun), alcoholic cirrhoses
A liver disease occurring in people who are chronic alcoholics: "Approximately twenty per cent of chronic alcoholics develop cirrhosis."

"Alcoholic cirrhosis is described as a condition of irreversible liver disease as a result of the chronic inflammatory and toxic effects of ethanol on the liver."

"The diagnoses of alcoholic cirrhosis are related to the liver's inability to adequately remove waste products from the bloodstream and the effects of an increase of blood pressure."

This entry is located in the following units: alcoholo-, alcohol-, alcoho- (page 2) cirrho- + (page 1)
alcoholic coma (s) (noun), alcoholic comas (pl)
A sleep-like condition which is caused by drinking alcohol which is in the blood and marked by fast, diminished breathing, with a faster beating heart.
alcoholic deterioration (s) (noun), alcoholic deteriorations
Dementia occurring with people who are chronically addicted to alcohol: Al's doctor explained that his condition was called alcoholic deterioration which has resulted in a severe decline of his normal mental abilities.

Dementia that is caused by alcoholic deterioration is an organic mental disorder characterized by a general loss of intellectual abilities involving the impairment of memory, judgment, and abstract thinking; as well as, changes in personality.

non-alcoholic, nonalcoholic (adjective)
Without alcohol or containing no more than trace amounts of alcohol.
This entry is located in the following units: alcoholo-, alcohol-, alcoho- (page 3) non- + (page 4)