You searched for: “agnostic
agnostic (s) (noun), agnostics (pl)
1. Not known or that which is unknown; an assertion of the uncertainty of all claims to knowledge: The word agnostic was invented, or coined, by T.H. Huxley, the eminent British biologist, in his Science and Christian Tradition, published in 1870, page 21; because he felt that the existence of God was a proposition that could not be proven scientifically. So an agnostic says, in effect, "There may be a God, but as for me, I do not know."
2. A person who believes that the existence of God is unknown, but does not deny the possibility that God exists: Sherman, who was an agnostic, was not convinced that there is a God; however, he also was open to considering any evidence that would prove that God is a reality.
3. Someone who thinks it is impossible to know whether there is a God, future life, or anything beyond the material phenomena we are experiencing and who is unwilling to accept supernatural revelation: One dictionary defines an agnostic as being someone who is not, as is often held, someone who doesn’t know whether there is a God, but a person who believes it is impossible to know or to prove anything about the existence of God.

An agnostic is someone who says he knows nothing about God, and when you agree with him, he becomes angry.

—Evan Esar

An agnostic is someone who has no invisible means of support.

—John Buchan
agnostic, agnostic
agnostic (ag NAHS tik) (noun)
Someone who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God or who is skeptical about the existence of God but does not profess true atheism: At the convention, Lew, the featured speaker, said that he was an agnostic; that is, he did not know if there was a God or not; he simply did not know.
agnostic (ag NAHS tik) (adjective)
Doubtful, unsure, or non-committed about something: President Barack Obama said he is agnostic about raising taxes on households making less than $250,000 as part of a broad effort to rein in the budget deficit.
—"Obama 'Agnostic' on Deficit Cuts, Won’t Prejudge Tax Increases"
By Rich Miller; Business Week; February 11, 2010.

Agnes apparently held agnostic beliefs about her politics because she lacked strong beliefs about supporting the views of the major party.

Alfred, the new parishioner, was agnostic about whether anyone could be a complete agnostic.

agnostic, atheist, deist, theist
agnostic (ag NOS tik) (noun)
Someone who believes that there can be no proof of the existence of God, but does not deny the possibility that God exists: At the theology lecture, there were several people from diverse religious backgrounds making presentations; for example, William indicated that he was an agnostic and explained that there was no proof that God existed.
atheist (AY thee ist) (noun)
A disbeliever, denier of God's existence: Annie stated that she believed in the existence of God, but that her brother, James, was an atheist and didn't have such a belief.
deist (DEE ist) (noun)
Someone who believes in God based on reason rather than revelation and involves the view that God has set the universe in motion but does not interfere with how it exists: Harry is a deist who believes in God as the creator of the universe but that humans are allowed to determine the kind of existence they feel is appropriate whether for good or for bad.
theist (THEE ist) (noun)
Someone who believes in a personal God as creator and ruler of the universe, but not necessarily accompanied by a belief in divine revelation; such as, through the Bible: Josie is a member of a theist group believing in God but not necessarily as depicted in the Bible.

Two friends, a theist and a deist, got together to debate whether being an atheist has anything in common with those who profess to be agnostic.

Word Entries containing the term: “agnostic
agnostic apraxia (s), agnostic apraxias (pl) (nouns)
The inability to complete a bodily movement because of a failure to recognize and to interpret sensory information upon which its performance depends: "The player attempted to swing the baseball bat and hit the baseball but was unable to do so because she experienced agnostic apraxia and could not perceive how close the ball was to her."
This entry is located in the following unit: praxis-, -praxsis, -praxia, -praxic, -praxi- (page 1)