You searched for: “aerophones
aerophobe (s) (noun), aerophones (pl)
Anyone who has an abnormal fear of drafts or contaminated air: Susan's sister was an aerophobe who always had her windows and doors shut because she was afraid of diseases entering by the way of a breeze coming into her home!
This entry is located in the following unit: aero-, aer-, aeri- (page 8)
aerophone (s) (noun), aerophones (pl)
A musical instrument (as a trumpet or flute) in which the sound is generated by a vibrating column or eddy of air: Harry was a musician who played an aerophone in the brass section of the orchestra.
aerophora (s) (noun), aerophones (pl)
An aerating outgrowth or pneumatophore: Mangroves, for example, are aerophoras in that have a partly open or exposed root system that functions especially in taking in oxygen from the atmosphere.