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acclamation, acclimation
acclamation (ak" luh MAY shuhn) (noun)
1. Loud applause, shout of approval: The queen received an acclamation from the crowd.
2. A voice vote, shout of approval: Frank Ferguson was elected president of the union by acclamation.
acclimation (ak" li MAY shuhn, ak" luh MAY shuhn) (noun)
1. Adaptation to a different climate, environment, situation, or circumstance: More time will be needed for the acclimation of the new workers and their equipment.
2. Adjustment of an organism to its natural climatic environment: Now that winter is over, the spring acclimation of earthworms will proceed naturally.

There was no need for polling the delegates because they nominated Madeline for president with a thunderous acclamation. In fact, she found that acclimation to the suddenly new heights of power was not at all difficult to experience.

acclimation (ak" li MAY shuhn, ak" luh MAY shuhn)
1. To be accustomed to a different climate, environment, situation, or circumstance: "More time will be needed for the acclimation of the troops and their equipment."
2. Adaptation of an organism to its natural climatic environment: "Now that winter is over, the spring acclimation of earthworms will proceed naturally."