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acclamation (ak" luh MAY shuhn)
1. Loud applause, approval or welcome, ovation, cheering, shout of approval: "The queen received an acclamation from the crowd."
2. A voice vote, shout of approval: "He was elected president of the union by acclamation."
acclamation (s) (noun), acclamations (pl)
1. Loud expression of approval or the overwhelming approval of a choice without a ballot or an election: The interim governor of the state was appointed by acclamation as everyone enthusiastically approved of her appointment.
2. An act of applause or praise: The acclamations by the crowd when the baseball player hit a home run was enthusiastic and overwhelming.
acclamation, acclimation
acclamation (ak" luh MAY shuhn) (noun)
1. Loud applause, shout of approval: The queen received an acclamation from the crowd.
2. A voice vote, shout of approval: Frank Ferguson was elected president of the union by acclamation.
acclimation (ak" li MAY shuhn, ak" luh MAY shuhn) (noun)
1. Adaptation to a different climate, environment, situation, or circumstance: More time will be needed for the acclimation of the new workers and their equipment.
2. Adjustment of an organism to its natural climatic environment: Now that winter is over, the spring acclimation of earthworms will proceed naturally.

There was no need for polling the delegates because they nominated Madeline for president with a thunderous acclamation. In fact, she found that acclimation to the suddenly new heights of power was not at all difficult to experience.

A unit related to: “acclamation
(Greek > Latin: praise, approval, acclamation)