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Focusing on Words Newsletter #8, Palindromes

  • Palindrome #1

    A notable achievement; a feat or exploit. (4) = deed

  • Palindrome #2

    Even; not sloping. (5) = level

  • Palindrome #3

    More blood-colored. (6) = redder

  • Palindrome #4

    Twelve hours after midnight. (4) = noon

  • Palindrome #5

    Males and the females; genders. (5) = sexes

  • Palindrome #6

    One who resuscitates another. (7) = reviver

  • Palindrome #7

    To peek; to peer through a crevice. (4) = peep

  • Palindrome #8

    Pertaining to public affairs, or to a city. (5) = civic

  • Palindrome #9

    Made wet with dew. (5) = dewed

  • Palindrome #10

    To blow, as a horn, in rapid blasts. (4) = toot
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